The sixteenth stop on the Windsor & Annapolis Railway, this old train station was the product of a request made by the Bridgetown Board of Trade in 1915, likely influenced by the recently completed modern and finely decorated Annapolis Royal train station. 

After a fire destroyed the existing Bridgetown station, a replacement plan was made. And in 1919 the doors to our Tudor Revival train station opened! With diamond paned transoms over all the doors, platformed canopies on both ends, waiting rooms with washrooms, and even a smoking area, this new station was a charming alternative to its prediscessor.

The noted Canadian author Ernest Buckler wrote this description of the Bridgetown Station in 1949:

"The railway station, of course, is the Café de la Paix of the small town. Sooner or later you see everyone there, and their missions cause the liveliest conjecture. Walk down the board platform, past the straggle of perhaps 20 people embarking and debarking ... circle the group inspecting the packages on the express dolly; the knots of school kids dressed in the current vogue of sloppiness and speaking up-to-the-minute slang; the resolute band who come daily to wave, undismayed by lack of reciprocity in the languorous few on the observation platform ... and get a taxi. Any one of Bridgetown’s dozen—including a spanking Hudson will take you into town for a quarter with short stopover privileges and Baedeker service accorded with twice the courtesy a friend would allot you.” 
Ernest Buckler

With the age of the automobile, passenger service dwindled, and a large clapboard freight shed was added to the east end, doubling the size of the building. By 1971 the station was destaffed, and was opened as a shelter only for passengers awaiting transportation. Until 1990 when passenger service was dismantled completely.

Not considered for Heritage status due to the addition of the freight room disturbing the original design, the station was ‘abandoned’. Until Joanne Acker came along in 1994 and purchased the building and is lands! After seven weeks of renovation she opened The End of the Line pub, which would become a staple for Bridgetown’s residents.

Renamed The Station in 2020, after being purchased by Lunn’s Mill Beer Co, the team made some serious renovations and operated their modern craft eatery until 2023.

Proud to be the next in a line of amazing stories this building has told we are reimaging the concept and executing a fun and moody theme throughout the building. With hints of days gone by in our décor, and name, Junction Sixteen will showcase Canadian Italian dishes that you can see being plated up in our semi-open kitchen.

The now, Harvest Moon Trail is a playground for many of our community members from near and far. We will be expanding our parking lot to include a space for off road enthusiasts, and adding more outdoor seating for those who wish to use our brand-new take-out windows to order-up anything from pizza to soft ice cream.